Web Development

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Web Development

Staffally Inc., has been assisting individuals, small and medium businesses, companies, large and small corporate and organizations in establishing Internet presence and bring results from their website design development.

The advantage of technologies such as ASP, PHP, JSP, .NET and Cold Fusion etc. allow us to convert business processes and legacy application into web enable applications. With application developed based on internet technologies our offshore development partners can get following advantages which can satisfy all aspects of their end user clients.

Benefits of Web based application development

Secure and centralized data storage
Since internet is involved the data is stored on an internet server from which several departments and remote agents of any company can share that data from their web browser and internet connection. We can implement various level of security based on clients demand and requirement ensuring that only those person can access data who actually require them and have access to them.

Low maintenance cost
Since the data is stored on an internet server and shared by the end users. Only the server hosting that data needs to be updated as compared to all client nodes were to be updated in traditional client / server technology. This enables easy and fast maintenance and reduced downtime.

Low hardware and technology cost
Since web enabled applications are hosted on an internet server. You only need to pay only for the basic hosting cost and get advantages of high end servers and technologies. Means resources can be shared by multiple applications.

Our expertise
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP)
Microsoft Based Technologies
Web Hosting

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